Cutting the beams for your cubic foot C-Bot 3d printer

Here are the lengths of aluminum rails I used for building my 3d printer.My final dimensions were 315x290x295 I could probably get the full cubic foot by adjusting end stops on my machine, but if you want the full bragging rights you may want to tweak these lengths. This the rail I used: Cuts for…

Printing a printer: Core Bot Part 2

The first step I took in building my Core Bot was printing out all the parts for the machine. I was fortunate that my friend was traveling for 3 weeks and lent me his Makerbot Replicator 1 so that I could start print all the pieces I needed to build the printer. My family was…

Building a 3d printer: Core Bot Part 1

I’ve been dabbling in 3d printing at work for the past year and now I’m addicted. I have two friends who own 3d printers and I’m constantly impressed with the many different creative projects they create with them, everything from bird houses to artistic sculptures to belt buckles! You can see much of this work…

Welcome to Mason 3d

Hello, I’m Mason and this is my blog. I’m a 3d technical artist and I have been working in video games for the past decade. I’m currently working at the incredible Activision studio –  Sledgehammer Games. Sledgehammer created  Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and we are working hard to make more of the best…